It is almost the end of April and in Queensland the weather is finally turning to autumn. I cannot wait for winter to be honest. Cool but not cold weather will be a welcome change from the searing heat of our summers.
I have started a private facebook group and would love it if you and your knitting friends would consider joining. It is a wee bit different than most groups. The focus is on being a hub for knitters interested in learning more about knitting cardigans but also to build an interactive group where I can use my experience as a designer to help you with any problems you may have in the construction of a cardigan or any other garment or project.
I plan to offer tutorials and KALs and much, much more.
Please consider joining. I would love to chat with you about all things knitting.
A buttonhole to try
I know many of you dislike buttonholes, but I sometimes wonder if it is not because the buttonhole pattern you are using is just not the one that works for you.
This is the one I use. It is simple, elegant and unobtrusive.
Row 1: With right side facing, work in k1, p1 ribbing to the stitch before desired buttonhole position making sure it is a k stitch. Yarnover x2, k2tog, work in rib to end of row
Row 2: Work to the double yarnover of the previous row, knit first loop of the double yarnover and drop the second loop off the needle
Row 3: Work in rib as established to the hold formed by the double yarnover, purl into the centre of the hole, then drop the stitch on needle above the hole, off the needle.
One buttonhole completed.
Irish Rose on Ravelry and new design on the needles
I was a wee bit premature in my published date for Irish Rose. The pattern for sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 & 46 will be available on Ravelry by this weekend.
The new unnamed design is going well. I am enjoying the all-over cable design. It should be ready for publication by the end of May.
General bits and bobs
We are all still in lockdown. Having said that Queensland, Australia is moving to open-up just a wee bit as of this Saturday coming.
We will be able to go for picnics, go shopping for non-essentials like clothes and yarn (I would have thought the latter was an essential), making it okay to visit family/friends, and go for drives within a 50 km distance from our houses.
I am not sure if it will make much of a difference to our lives. We live and work from home, shop locally and walk around the neighbourhood every day.
While walking in the weekend we saw a koala scampering across the grass. It was rather special as we do not see them very often anymore. We have also heard Kookaburras chirping away which is lovely to hear.
With the only family we have in Australia residing on the Gold Coast, which is over 50 kms away from us if we calculate the road distance, we are not sure if we can even go visit them. Still, if we measure it as the crow flies, we are under 50 kms.
It is tempting.
Keep well.
Linda xx
Photo credit: Peter Hale