February 2021 update

Wheatsheaf editing

Hello everyone,

It seems I have not written a blog post for ages – in fact, the last post was just before Christmas.

In my defence, there was Christmas, then New Year and, looking after grandsons while they enjoyed their long summer holiday.

This is a long-winded way of apologising for not getting Wheatsheaf pattern published.

I was busy doing other things.

Wheatsheaf is in the capable hands of Melinda, my Tech Editor. Melinda is awesome. Her editing skills are wonderful, and I trust her judgement and edits completely.

Certainly, her work on my patterns gives me confidence in publishing them.

The new design I am working on is something a bit different. I am not using my usual Touch Yarns 100% 8ply merino, instead, I am using an Australian yarn from Bendigo Woollen Mills. It is not merino but is 100% wool and is called 8ply Luxury, colour Boysenberry.

The style of cardigan is a bit different too. Without giving too much away, it is longer in length and is modelled on the so-called boyfriend cardigan. It still has my signature style thought – elegant and fitted with set-in sleeves.

I can however show you the back of the cardigan if only to highlight the reason why you should block your work. The first photo shows the original knit just as it came off the needles. In the second, blocked and drying to the specific schematic numbers I used to size the cardigan.

Boysenberry back
Boysenberry back
Boysenberry back - blocked
Boysenberry back – blocked


Another design is in the hands of Anne, a lovely friend and test knitter extraordinaire. This design is a 4ply twinset. I love the twinset look and am excited to see how it turns out.

Linda xx