Knitting in 4 ply – Bendigo Wool
Hello everyone, It seems I have not written a blog post for ages – in fact, the last post was just before Christmas. In my defence, there was Christmas, then New Year and, looking after grandsons while they enjoyed their long summer holiday. This is a long-winded way of apologising for not getting Wheatsheaf pattern published. I was busy doing …
Hello everyone, It is hard to believe that we are almost into the middle of November already. I think we can agree that 2020 has not been the best of years but I do think we need to take stock of how resilient we have been to everything that has been thrown at us this year. The main news is …
Hello everyone, For many of you, it is possibly a long time since you knitted your first cardigan. I am sure you still remember the yarn colour and ply, the pattern you used and how many times you frogged your work because of a mistake. Yet, it was a milestone in your knitting journey. For many others, the very thought …
Hello everyone, What are you doing today and what beckons you in the weekend? Sage – an all-over cable stitch pattern, soon to be released This morning I am re-visiting the written pattern for Sage. Sage is an all-over cable cardigan pattern for sizing 34 – 46 inch bust. I had completed the writing up of the pattern but on …
Despite many requests and discussion on social media, most of which is negative, it seems Ravelry is not interested in making necessary adjustments to their new website any time soon. In doing so, Ravelry, for all its inclusiveness talk in the past, is failing the many designers and knitters who have sensory and neurological issues while accessing the new site. …
In a post in 2018 I reviewed the book Slow Knitting by Hannah Thiessen. I recently returned to this book and it sparked new ways of thinking – about knitting and life in general. I shared my thoughts in three posts in my Facebook group and thought I would share it with you. Slow Knitting (part 1) One of …
I am being good in these times of Coronavirus, lockdown and social distancing. I am for the most part, staying at home, only escaping to do a grocery run (but, to be honest, Grandad Pete does most of this essential chore) and going for my daily walk around the neighbourhood. Yesterday, on my walk, there were many families out and …
I belong to a few Facebook knitting groups. I love scrolling through what other knitters have made, reading their thoughts about their knitting, the patterns and yarn they are using and even the odd photo of their pet ‘helping’ them with their knitting. Indeed, I often click a ‘like’ or a ‘love’ and sometimes even a ‘wow’ and, I also …
One of life’s little pleasures for me is to devour stitch library/encyclopedia’s. I can spend hours happily leafing through printed books like Norah Gaughan’s Knitted Cable Sourcebook, Mary Jane Mucklestone’s 200 Fair Isle Designs, The Harmony Guides to Knitting Stitches series and The Vogue knitting Stitchionary series. In short, I am a sucker for a good book of stitch patterns. …