Been a long time coming

Irish Rose

I am almost embarrassed to admit I started working on the Irish Rose design well over 18 months ago. Indeed, I first wrote a blog about it in October 2018 Baby steps into lace knitting in which I waxed lyrical in enjoying baby steps into lace knitting. In the interim months, I did finish the cardigan design and had written up …

Lovely in Lace

Lovely in Lace

I am very happy to announce that my new design, Lovely in Lace has been published. This design features a delightful lace stitch pattern called Creeping Vines, the instructions for which are in the lace section of my stitch library, which is bordered in the fronts and back with stocking stitch. The sleeves are knitted in stocking stitch. Knitted bottom-up, …



I am not a fan of buttons on cardigans. There, I have said it. Which leads me to the question: What is the true purpose of buttons? Is it their decorative or practical quality? The answer lies somewhere between. Yes, buttons are decorative, and I do agree that they do have a small practical value – the top button being …

The pink cardigan

Pink Front

One of the most enjoyable tasks a knitter or a designer can have in this knitting lark, is the time spent choosing a pattern stitch. We can happily get engrossed in our search for the perfect stitch pattern whether that is exploring social media sites and stitch libraries online or printed books and magazines.  The Harmony Guide to Knitting Stitches …

Redland Rose on Ravelry

Redland Rose - Front

Redland Rose is the third cardigan in the Rose Collection using NZ Touch Yarn’s 100% merino yarn. Like Charcoal Rose and Skyline Rose, this new cardigan is knitted flat from the bottom up working the back, two fronts and sleeves separately. The two front bands are then knitted and joined to each front using mattress stitch. The neck band is …

Size Inclusiveness

Sizing Table

Size inclusiveness has become a contentious issue in the fibre community. This was brought home to me last week through an email I received from a fellow designer. In her email, she acknowledged her sizing of knitting patterns was not inclusive and that after listening to conversations on the topic, she felt very disappointed in herself for not including larger …